Syncresis · Facets in Time

Sounds - Early Electronic Music (1973)

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☞ ☞ Mura ciclopiche (o megalitiche) - etrusche, oppure di origine diversa • Cyclopean or megalithic walls - Etruscan & possibly of other origin

☞ ☞ Sotto i cieli della Lunigiana • The skies of Lunigiana

☞ ☞ Centro, Centro Nord e Norditalia • Photographs from Central and Northern Italy

☞ ☞ Alcune incisioni rupestri nella Valcamonica (BS) • Photographs of Petroglyphs at Foppe di Nadro (Val Camonica, Italy)

☞ ☞ Animazione: Danza dei pesciolini nel porto di Lacco Ameno • Danse of the fry in the harbour of Lacco Ameno (Ischia)

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Fotografie di notte • Nighttime Photographs

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Tingo Tanca's Flat Gemstones Collection / Tingo Tancas samling af flade sten

A house in Denmark, reborn and gone again (Skovbrynet, Fakkegrav, Vejle Fjord) / Et hus i Danmark, genfødt... og væk igen

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An index to Dwardu Cardona's works: God Star / Flare Star / Primordial Star

Hypotheses as set out in Dwardu Cardona's Star Series

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British Colonial Politics 1915: Getting Ready to Plunder the Spoils

L'affaire des Brigittines de Lille (Simone Dourlet - Sébastien Michaelis) au début du XVIIe siècle

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Claus Deleuran: Danmarks historie - i begyndelsen ("De ældste tider")

Erik Wedersøe: Danmark er OK - men der er altså andre muligheder for liv

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